
It is 6:21 PM and I have officially spent $0.00 today!

Usually by this time I've spent at least $10.00 on food or groceries. However today I am a frugal girlie! My plan was to stay in all day and catch up on sleep, but that never works.

Today I've planned on going out to restaurants with friends for lunch and dinner.

Save Money at Restaurants
1. Find restaurants that offer free chips. Today, after playing tennis with some friends, I was invited to a local Mexican restaurant. At first I told them I couldn't go because I didn't want to spend any money. However, my friend Heather told me to do what she does: drink water and just eat the free chips. So I did. Total Bill: $0.00

2. Go for the specials. Tonight (Mondays) is $1.00 Taco and $1.00 Beer night at Firebelly's (a local downtown restaurant). I usually can only eat 3 of their tacos and since I'm not 21 yet (37 days to go!) I can't drink the beer. Total Bill: $3.00


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