
In the fall I had a decent job working as a waitress for a pizza place. Unfortunately, the management there was not quite up to my standards and I was taking a full load of classes, so I decided to quit.

Recently, after starting my blogs and finishing up some other classes, I decided to figure out how to make money online.

So far I've found two ways.

1. Google Adsense.
This is not for everyone. Adsense so far has been very hard to make money with because I'm not getting enough traffic to all of my blogs. Adsense is a program set up by google. It lets companies and other sites advertise by paying an advertiser for each time a person clicks on their ad. I guess you can see how this would be problematic since most people rarely do that. So far I have made a total of $16.87. This is not much, and google only pays you after you reach $100.00

2. KGB - Text/Answer Program
An even more recent venture of mine is KGB. You might have seen commercials about it. Any one can text a question to KGBKGB (542542) at the cost of $0.99/text. The person responding is the special agent. I recently took the special agent challenge and passed after a few tries. Yesterday I got an email letting me know that I need to go to training, but all the classes are full at the moment. I guess they will get back to me.
KGB pays agents $0.10/answer and $0.05 for an answer that has already been asked and just needs forwarding.

I will keep you updated on both of these methods on online money making.

Let me know how you make money online!

Thanks for reading; If you'd like to read any of my other blogs here they are:

A 3x5 Life
My Roommate Eric
Straight From My Imagination
Website Scrapbook


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