

Hello to everyone out there who has to live on a budget. My name is Lisa and I am currently a 20 year old junior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. I am double majoring in Human Resource Management and English Literature.

This blog is about my encounters with various lists and books that offer advice and tips on ways to save money and live cheap.

$. My $1,200 monthly credit card bill and $700 rent + utilities bill (did i mention i do not have a job?)
$. The movie Julie & Julia
$. 365 Ways to Live Cheap by Trent Hamm - the first book/list i will be following

My goal is to begin the book, which is a list of ways to save your money, and follow every rule (within reason/accessibility/ease etc.) and document my findings, feelings, average savings, and advice.

Leave comments, advice, lists & I will follow them too!


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