
Rule #267 is one that I am going to try and utilize more often. Stephen and I have been dating for almost 6 months (even though it feels like I have known him forever)! When we first started dating, I bought a lot of our dinners because Stephen was watching his spending in order to over come some small school-related debt. In January I quit my job to focus more one school, he took care of a lot of his debt and started working more. Now he pays for almost all of the meals.

I have decided to take Hamm's advice and plan a romantic date all for free.

Picnic on the Beach
Lucky for us, we live about 10 minutes from Wrightsville Beach, NC. After 6PM parking along the beach is free. So here is what I have planned.

5:00PM - pack a picnic basket with chips, drinks, fruit cups and sandwiches.
6:00PM - drive to Wrightsville Beach. (my favorite side is the south side, so we will head down there)
6:20PM - have dinner on the beach and watch the sunset. (sit up in the lifeguards chair if we are lucky; I've always wanted to do that)
7:30PM - go home & watch a movie (either a horror movie or a romantic comedy)
10:00PM - sleep :)

For five hours we can be doing something that does not cost a thing (unless you take into account that I had to pay for the gas that got me there, and the food and drinks that I already have in my house.)

Total Cost Of A Normal Romantic Dinner & Movie For Two: $48.00
Total Cost of A Free Romantic Dinner & Movie For Two: $0.00
Total Savings: $48.00

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